Tiny Tickers - Rose Ball

Wow! Its far to say we had a ball pun absolutely intended!

Held in the Double Tree Hilton, Lincoln hosted The Rose Ball, it was an evening that served as beautiful testament to the strength of community and the impact of collective action. It was more than just a social gathering; it was our opportunity to come together for a cause that touches the lives of many: supporting www.tinytickers.org Tiny Tickers, a charity dedicated to helping babies born with congenital heart defects.


The night was filled with, fun of laughter, generosity and lots of dancing. Every ticket purchased and donated prize raffled, went directly to aiding Tiny Tickers in their mission to improve early detection and care for babies born with heart defects. It's incredible to think about the difference each contribution makes.


When learning about the charity, and the cause, we were keen to donate what we could, but really wanted to ensure that our donation meant giving someone more than just a leather accessory. We wanted them to experience the bespoke service and craft that we offer, so they will get to choose and fully customise their piece, and we can’t wait to craft something truly unique and special.


Looking back, it’s the genuine warmth and willingness to give that made The Rose Ball not just a successful event, but gives hope to families and babies for whom Tiny Tickers’ is a life line. It's a reminder that when we come together, we can make significant changes, one heart at a time.


With £10,000 raised, This event was a powerful demonstration of what we can achieve as a community. Here’s to more nights like The Rose Ball, where fun and philanthropy meet to create real, lasting impact.


Next Blog Post: Five Facts About Congenital Heart Defects, and How you can Support Tiny Tickers


5 facts about Tiny Tickers and Congenital Heart Defects, and how you can donate to this truly amazing charity.


Priestleys Craftmanship